Danke to you to Julia ! Your class was so beautiful and all the people were also beautiful ! I got high very fast and left there so alive and full of energy and smiles ! Please stay in touch. I can always come up for a visit to see friends and of course, do some drumming and dancing ! Happy New Year to you and yours…
Danny Stern, USA
5Rhythms is a dance meditation and no teacher I know more embodies this core purpose of the practice more than Julia Wolfermann. She moves around the floor like a gentle breeze to make everyone feel both comfortable and blissful. One leaves feeling invigorated, yet, at peace.
Brian P., Writer/ Healing Facilitator, New York
To Dance with Julia is to Dance with the embodiment of the Divine Feminine. She holds fierce space and guides with flawless intuition. Her Grace and Magic create a soulful, bountiful Flow, cut razor sharp edges of Staccato, dive into Chaos only to find softer and freer expression in Lyrical and allow to meet oneself fully in Stillness.
Being held and guided by Julia’s energy is a truly unique experience that has taken me from the depths of suffering and self -doubt and delivered me safely into the arms of Joy and Love.
Elena L., yoga and healing facilitator, New York City
Schon als ich Julia beim Reinkommen sah, war da dieses Wort “Leichtigkeit”.
Diese Wort zog sich durch den ganzen Abend…
Danke und bis bald.
Gau Tam, Hamburg
The light u bring to so many is unmeasurable .. I can see eyes open and souls ignite after your guided meditations and your love transformations .. Thank u for the light u bring to me .I feel .so much joy ..elevation .. And healing .. I feel a new sense of free a birthing into myself thank u for .. Allowing the space for exploration of myself and creative discovery of the intimate connection with myself ..Your warm tender glow lights up a room and the many hearts it holds . My love
Ayala A., New York City
Dear Julia,
Just want to share with you my first experience with 5rhythms dance.
I really enjoyed the free movements combined with your voice guiding us into the dance; the structure of the different rhythms which is very coherent; the choice of music, the way your are holding the space.
All the session was a beautiful journey in my innerself.
Once again, it was a confirmation that moving my body is the best way to cut my mind and be whole in the present moment. It’s a release, it’s freeing, it’s coming back “home”, it’s a connection with the divine….
It was also a good reminder that I could do it more often ! (I had the last 2 months tumultuous times, and dancing was a gift to myself !)
And as you mentioned, the 2 nights after Sunday, I had significant and interesting dreams… 🙂
Thank you for your beautiful presence.
A big loving hug,
MF, Geneva
Thanks Julia Wolfermann for the intense five rythms yesterday evening.
I came a bit late and was drawn into the flow in the middle of dancers captivated by an intriguing flowing music.
The chaos exhausting but no chance to rest: nobody could resist to a lyrical with such a groovy soul piece. One of the best waves I ever danced.
Thanks David Ashkenazy for your wonderful drums.
Joachim Harms, New York & Germany
“I had the great pleasure to work with Julia Wolfermann both as participants in personal development seminars and as her student in a dance seminar. Her luminous personality welcomes gently everyone around her and her passion for life and movement radiates and inspires. She is devoted to discover and express love and light in every form and has a unique grace and beauty internally and externally. As a teacher she gets easily connected with people and helps them feel comfortable straight away. She transmittes information and experiences wholeheartedly and is open to sharing lovingly even when she is out of her comfort zone. I appreciate the light of her soul and look forward to working with her again soon.”